Home > Ronald Roy > The scourge of inflation

The scourge of inflation

September 30, 2019 Leave a comment Go to comments

A snippet from the past

Sent from my iPad AirINFLATION IS THE CRIPPLING RISE in the prices of economic goods and services, and the resulting drop in the purchasing power of the currency.

Inflation strikes when the SUPPLY of goods and services is not enough to satisfy the DEMAND therefor. It can be so acute as to afflict an entire economy like a lethal cancer.

There may not be a quick solution to an inflationary condition. Often, inflation is triggered by “exogenous” factors, I.e., factors beyond the control of the afflicted economy (that is, our economy), such as the decrease of oil imports and the increase of US interest rates — a situation not unlike being pushed into a quicksand.

Likewise, beyond anybody’s control are natural calamities that ravage our agricultural farms and fields. We are all victims of inflation…rich and poor alike…but we know that our biggest enemy is a bunch of destabilizers, headed by the Yellows in connivance with the Reds and some religious orders, who are taking advantage of inflation’s engulfing conflagration.

Nothing less than political will is needed to at least soften the scourging effects of inflation, such as by reporting to the proper authorities the operations of hoarders, smugglers and price manipulators.

Needless to state, inflation is a time for prayer, and for embracing the gospel that one’s last piece of bread on his plate means the whole world for a hungry beggar.

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