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Bumpy roads

Sent from my iPad AirI RECEIVED FROM A SISTERLY FRIEND, Marietta Primicias Goco, a short story about a conversation between God and the President. I have forwarded it to over a hundred messenger friends, and I hope it goes viral. I am far from being a theologian…far from arguing ex cathedra…but I cannot resist an urge to write my thoughts inspired by the story and, as I do, I implore the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

God ALWAYS WAS, IS, and WILL ALWAYS BE. We, and everything else like the stars and planets…the trees, oceans and animals…are his mortal creations. Some “philosophers” believe I that evil proceeds from God just like everything else in Creation. This theory is absurd because EVIL IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF GOD. We should rather hold that evil proceeds from our misuse or abuse of that precious gift from God called FREE WILL.

Free will is the unhampered ability to choose what we want from two or more alternatives. God desires that we exercise our willpower in accord with his commandments and beatitudes, although he does not force us to do so. He also wants us to know that he is LOVE, PURE LOVE, and that if only we realized this, we would be more obedient to his decrees. .

Love is “giving without seeking anything in return”. If you give your last piece of bread to a beggar, you do an act of love. If you give him your entire meal, you elevate your sacrifice to a greater level of love. If one sacrifices his life…as a soldier does while defending the homeland…he performs an act of “self-sacrifice”…the highest form of love….the same way God’s only begotten son, Jesus, sacrificed his life in expiation of our sins.

In my limited understanding of LOVE as the ESSENCE of God, no, he does not want us to start dying for one another without reason. Rather, he wants us to start being generous to one another because, that way, the “law of synergy” will operate in a way that will make us enjoy more abundantly all the needs he has stored for our peace, happiness and contentment.

We do have different levels of understanding the divine mystery of LOVE. The difficulties in understanding can be so frustrating that some can turn agnostic, atheistic,or blasphemous by calling the Creator “TORPE” or stupid.

Let us pray that blasphemers can draw comfort from the words of the dying Jesus: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. And we can certainly help by praying for their enlightenment…as much as for our own.

Life is a journey of numerous roads, and we often ask ourselves which way to take. The right road is easy to spot cuz it’s bumpy and rut-infested…but it will take us to a place of eternal bliss, which is the PURE LOVE that God is.

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